Bernhard GRASEMANN, Univ. Prof. Mag. Dr.

Room Number: 2B444
Tel.: +43-1-4277-53472

Bernhard Grasemann

Research Interests:

  • Analytical and numerical modeling of deformation of rocks
  • Low- and high-angle normal faulting (Greece)
  • Interaction between deformation and chemical reactions
  • Evolution of fold-and-thrust belts (Zagros, Syrian Arc)
  • Exhumation of rocks in collision orogens (Alps, Himalayas)

Current Professional Service Activities:

Current Projects:

2019 - 2021 OMV Exploration and Production GmbH (OMV): “Integrating Seal Analysis and geoMechanics (SeAM)”. PI: Bernhard Grasemann, Michael Kettermann

2019 - 2021 Austrian Academy of Science (ÖAW): “Lateral correlation of tectonic units in the Aegean with Greek mainland and Anatolia”. PI: Bernhard Grasemann

2018 - 2020 Glock Health, Science and Research GmbH: “UAV-assisted, (micro-)structural and petrological/geochemical investigation of the Clinoptilolite open-pit mine in Nižný Hrabovec (Slovak Republic)”. PI: Cornelius Tschegg, Bernhard Grasemann.

2017 - 2020 Austrian Science Fund (FWF): P 29539-N29 ”Rheology of eclogites: Comparison of high pressure-temperature deformation experiments and natural examples”. PI: Anna Rogowitz, Bernhard Grasemann.

2017 - 2019 Rohöl Aufsuchungs Aktiengesellschaft (RAG): “Structural styles in the frontal Alpine Fold and Thrust Belt, Upper Austria”. PI: Bernhard Grasemann, Mario Habermüller

 Publications (taken from u:cris)


Microstructural investigations of rock pulverization and localization of a strike-slip fault zone in dolomite rocks (Salzach-Ennstal-Mariazell-Puchberg fault, Austria). / Schröckenfuchs, Theresa-Christina; Bauer, Helene; Grasemann, Bernhard et al.

In: Journal of Structural Geology, Vol. 78, 2015, p. 67-85.

Publications: Contribution to journalArticlePeer Reviewed

Pluton emplacement along a large-scale detachment system: the example of the Serifos granodiorite (Cyclades archipelago, Greece). / Rabillard, Aurélien; Arbaret, Laurent; Jolivet, Laurent et al.

In: Tectonics, Vol. 34, 2015.

Publications: Contribution to journalArticlePeer Reviewed

Winged inclusions: Pinch-and-swell objects during high-strain simple shear. / Grasemann, Bernhard; Dabrowski, Marcin.

In: Journal of Structural Geology, Vol. 70, 2015, p. 78-94.

Publications: Contribution to journalArticlePeer Reviewed


Strain rate dependent calcite microfabric evolution - An experiment carried out by nature. / Rogowitz, Anna; Grasemann, Bernhard; Huet, Benjamin et al.

In: Journal of Structural Geology, Vol. 69, No. PA, 01.12.2014, p. 1-17.

Publications: Contribution to journalArticlePeer Reviewed

Domino boudinage under layer-parallel simple shear. / Dabrowski, Marcin; Grasemann, Bernhard.

In: Journal of Structural Geology, Vol. 68, No. Part A, 01.11.2014, p. 58-65.

Publications: Contribution to journalArticlePeer Reviewed

The Minimized Power Geometric model : An analytical mixing model for calculating polyphase rock viscosities consistent with experimental data. / Huet, B.; Yamato, P.; Grasemann, B.

In: Journal of Geophysical Research - Solid Earth, Vol. 119, No. 4, 04.2014, p. 3897-3924.

Publications: Contribution to journalArticlePeer Reviewed

Orogeny. / Grasemann, Bernhard; Huet, Benjamin.

Encyclopedia of Marine Geosciences. ed. / Jan Harff. Dordrecht : Springer Netherlands, 2014. p. 602-610 (Encyclopedia of Earth Sciences Series, Vol. Part 2).

Publications: Contribution to bookChapterPeer Reviewed

Polyphase tectonics and late Variscan extension in Austria (Moldanubian Zone, Strudengau area). / Zeitlhofer, Helga; Schneider, David; Grasemann, Bernhard et al.

In: International Journal of Earth Sciences, Vol. 103, No. 1, 01.2014, p. 83-102.

Publications: Contribution to journalArticlePeer Reviewed


Ambiguous versus non ambiguous characterization of components from pictures of cataclasites. / Kohlmayer, Norbert; Grasemann, Bernhard.

In: Central European Journal of Geosciences, Vol. 5, No. 4, 12.2013, p. 576-587.

Publications: Contribution to journalArticlePeer Reviewed

Identifying fault segments from 3D fault drag analysis (Vienna Basin, Austria). / Spahic, Darko; Grasemann, B.; Exner, U.

In: Journal of Structural Geology, Vol. 55, 01.10.2013, p. 182-195.

Publications: Contribution to journalArticlePeer Reviewed

Deformation temperatures and flow vorticities near the base of the Greater Himalayan Series, Sutlej Valley and Shimla Klippe, NW India. / Law, R. D.; Stahr, D. W.; Francsis, M. K. et al.

In: Journal of Structural Geology, Vol. 54, 09.2013, p. 21-53.

Publications: Contribution to journalArticlePeer Reviewed

Footwall mineralization during Late Miocene extension along the West Cycladic Detachment System, Lavrion, Greece. / Berger, Alexandra; Schneider, David A.; Grasemann, B. et al.

In: Terra Nova: the European journal of geosciences, Vol. 25, No. 3, 01.06.2013, p. 181-191.

Publications: Contribution to journalArticlePeer Reviewed

Quantitative characterization of cataclasites using a statistical approach (analysis of variance). / Kohlmayer, Norbert; Grasemann, Bernhard.

In: Austrian Journal of Earth Sciences, Vol. 105, No. 3, 2013, p. 48-60.

Publications: Contribution to journalArticlePeer Reviewed


Lateral fold growth and fold linkage. / Grasemann, Bernhard; Schmalholz, Stefan M.

In: Geology, Vol. 40, No. 11, 11.2012, p. 1039-1042.

Publications: Contribution to journalArticlePeer Reviewed

The influence of particle orientation on the loading condition of pebbles in fluvial gravel. / Tuitz, Christoph; Exner, Ulrike; Preh, Alexander et al.

In: Granular Matter, Vol. 14, No. 5, 09.2012, p. 639-649.

Publications: Contribution to journalArticlePeer Reviewed

Rb-Sr, Sm-Nd, and U-Pb geochronology of the rocks within the Khlong Marui shear zone, southern Thailand. / Kanjanapayont, Pitsanupong; Kloetzli, Urs; Thoeni, Martin et al.

In: Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, Vol. 56, 29.08.2012, p. 263-275.

Publications: Contribution to journalArticlePeer Reviewed

New geochronological constraints on the thermal and exhumation history of the Lesser and Higher Himalayan Crystalline Units in the Kullu-Kinnaur area of Himachal Pradesh (India). / Thoeni, M.; Miller, C.; Hager, C. et al.

In: Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, Vol. 52, 30.06.2012, p. 98-116.

Publications: Contribution to journalArticlePeer Reviewed

Tectonic geomorphohgical investigations of antiforms using differential geometry : Permam anticline, northern Iraq. / Burtscher, Annegret; Frehner, Marcel; Grasemann, Bernhard.

In: AAPG Bulletin, Vol. 96, No. 2, 01.02.2012, p. 301-314.

Publications: Contribution to journalArticlePeer Reviewed

A new geological map of the crustal-scale detachment on Kea (Western Cyclades, Greece). / Rice, Alexander Hugh Neville (Corresponding author); Iglseder, Christoph; Grasemann, Bernhard et al.

In: Austrian Journal of Earth Sciences, Vol. 105, No. 3, 2012, p. 108-124.

Publications: Contribution to journalArticlePeer Reviewed

An active fault zone in the Western Kopeh Dagh (Iran). / Bretis, Bernhard; Grasemann, Bernhard; Conradi, Florian.

In: Austrian Journal of Earth Sciences, Vol. 105, No. 3, 2012, p. 95-107.

Publications: Contribution to journalArticlePeer Reviewed

Fracture patterns in the Zagros fold-and-thrust belt, Kurdistan Region of Iraq. / Reif, Daniel (Corresponding author); Decker, Kurt; Grasemann, Bernhard et al.

In: Tectonophysics, Vol. 576-577, 2012, p. 46-62.

Publications: Contribution to journalArticlePeer Reviewed

Lateral foldgrowth and fold linkage. / Grasemann, Bernhard (Corresponding author); Schmalholz, Stefan.

In: Geology, Vol. 40, No. 11, 2012, p. 1039-1042.

Publications: Contribution to journalArticlePeer Reviewed