Research Interests:
- Neotectonic evidences in caves
- (Micro)tectonics
- Interplay between structural and metamorphic processes
- Geochronology: various methods
- Working with high resolution microscopes and microprobes
- Deformation events at different scales
- Speleology and speleogenesis
SPELEOTECT: Active tectonics and recent dynamics of micro-displacements along major fault systems of the Eastern Alps registered in caves (FWF and Natural History Museum Vienna)
Master of Science in Geology (2010-2013) Earth Science, Simon Fraser University, British Columbia;
M.Sc. Thesis Title: Cretaceous evolution of the Breakenridge Complex within the southern Coast-Cascade orogen: Tectono-magmatic events reflecting the geodynamic setting of the North American Cordillera
Bachelor of Engineering in Geology (Honor’s) (2004-2009) Department of Geology, Faculty of Mining and Geology, University of Belgrade, Republic of Serbia;
Honor’s Thesis Title: Geological characteristics of Lazar's Canyon (Eastern Serbia)
Mitrovic I., Plan L., Baron I., Grasemann B. (2014): Active displacements recorded along major fault systems in caves (Eastern Alps, Austria), EGU Vienna, Austria – poster
Mitrovic I., Gibson D., Thorkelson D., Marshall D. (2013): Evolution of the Coast Cascade orogen by tectonic thickening and magmatic loading: The Cretaceous Breakenridge complex, southwestern British Columbia, Canadian Tectonics Workshop, Victoria, BC Canada – oral presentation
Mitrovic I. Gibson D., Thorkelson D., Marshall D. (2013): Cretaceous evolution of the Breakenridge Complex within the southern Coast-Cascade orogen: Tectono-magmatic events reflecting the geodynamic setting of the North American Cordillera, GSA Denver, CO – oral presentation