Best Poster Award
In the course of her MSc thesis, Sophie Hollinetz investigated the tectono-metamorphic evolution of the transition between medium- and low-grade metamorphic units of the Austroalpine Unit in the Oberhof window (Carinthia, Austria).
The data was interpreted in the frame of the exhumation history of the Eo-Alpine extrusion wedge and the basis for a conceptual model of the geodynamic evolution of hanging wall units of the extrusion wedge.
For presenting the results of this project at the PANGEO AUSTRIA 2018 conference (September 24 – 26, 2018, Vienna) Hollinetz was awarded with the Best Poster Award.
Hollinetz M.S., Iglseder C., Schuster R., Huet B., Rantitsch G., Grasemann B.:
A tectono-metamorphic study from the upper part of the Eo-Alpine extrusion wedge in the Eastern Alps (Oberhof window, Carinthia, Austria)
Sophie Hollinetz wird im Projekt „Low-grade metamorphic units in the Eastern Alps: An important tectonic transition zone”, welches für eine Förderung im Rahmen des Uni:docs Fellowship Programm 2018 ausgewählt wurde, ihre Forschung an niedriggradig metamorphen Einheiten der Ostalpen fortsetzen.