Guest Professor Andrea Mindszenty (ELTE University, Budapest)
Andrea Mindszenty, retired professor of ELTE Budapest, Hungary, held a course on " Paleosols, Bauxites and Paleokarst", end of April, at the Department of Geodynamics and Sedimentology, University of Vienna.
The course was accompanied by a thin section lab part, and a 2 days field trip to Hungary and Austria, visiting Cretaceous bauxite outcrops and mines.
The bauxite mine at Ghánt, Hungary, provided a beautiful insight into karst bauxite and cover sequences.
By the help of Ferdinand Hampl and the National Parc authrorities it was also possible to visit the abandoned bauxite mines at Unterlaussa, in eastern Austria.
Hot and sunny weather supported the field trip with a sense of a hot-humid weathering during Late Cretaceous greenhouse times.
Prof. Andrea Mindszenty with her favourite research theme (© M. Wagreich)
The field trip group at Ghánt (© M. Wagreich)
Bauxite at Unterlaussa, Austria (© M. Wagreich)
Crust at the base of the bauxite, Ghánt, Hungary (© M. Wagreich)