Institut für Geologie

© B. Grasemann

Research at the Department of Geology focuses on pure and applied research into both ductile/brittle lithospheric and Earth-surface processes. Field-based geology and quantitative modeling of geodynamic processes form the foundation of academic and applied Earth sciences research, in particular in petroleum geology and seismology. A close collaboration between research groups focuses on integrated geodynamics/tectonics and sedimentology/stratigraphy.

Daniel Le HeronBernhard Grasemann (Stv.)Michael Wagreich (Stv)

 Neuigkeiten und Veranstaltungen

Oktober 2024

Erdwissenschaftliches Kolloquium

Nächster Vortrag: 17. Oktober, 17:00 c.t., HS 2
Peter Krois (deeep Tiefengeothermie GmbH)

Oktober 2024

Wolfgang Schollnberger Masters Thesis Prizes

We recently held a prize giving for our three recipients of the Masters Thesis Prize: Sabine Wimmer, Jaqueline Krivetz and Lino Eggerth. Congratulations!

August 2024

Neue Publikation/Presse

Was ein Salzriese mit dem beinahe-Reset allen Lebens im Mittelmeer zu tun hat
Konstantina Agiadi

Juli 2024


Paper published by Michael Wagreich as co-author in Journal of Quaternary Science on behalf of Quaternary Research Association, is one of the top 10 most-cited papers published 1st January 2022 – 31st December 2023.

Juni 2024


Was die Donau über die Menschheit zu erzählen weiß
Diana Hatzenbühler

Mai 2024


Der falsche Abgesang auf das Anthropozän
Robert Braun, Michael Wagreich

Februar 2024

Ö1 Radiokolleg Anthropozän

Anthropozän - Das Zeitalter des Menschen (2)
Diana Hatzenbühler, Michael Weißl

Februar 2024


„Menschenzeitalter“ bleibt umstritten
Michael Wagreich, Christian Köberl

Jänner 2024

Neue Publikation/Presse

Neue Publikation in „Sedimentology“:
Stephanie Neuhuber, Susanne Gier, Erich Draganits, Peter Steier, Monika Bolka, Franz Ottner, Christoph Spötl, Dorothee Hippler, Patrick Meister: Radiocarbon ages of microcrystalline authigenic carbonate in Lake Neusiedl (Austria) suggest millennial-scale growth of Mg-calcite and protodolomite. (doi: 10.1111/sed.13161)