Eun Young LEE, MSc., Dr.

Raumnummer: 2A351

Eun Young Lee

Research Interests:

  • Multidisciplinary investigation into Earth history and geosystem evolution
  • Sedimentary basin analysis and modelling in an Earth system framework
  • Interplay of tectonics, sedimentation, and paleo-environment/climate in an Earth system evolution
  • Development of numerical techniques and software for geoscientific data analyses
  • Interpretation and correlation of geologic, petrophysical, geophysical, and geochemical data
  • Anthropogenic impacts on the Earth and environmental systems

Project, Funding, and Award

2022 – 2024 Scientific & Technological Cooperation of Austria and South Korea: Sedimentary characteristics and microplastics of the Holocene-Anthropocene transformation on the west coast of Korea and the Japan Trench

2020 – 2021 CNU Research Grant: Geological investigation to understand formation and development of Indian Ocean

2020 – 2021 WISET Research Grant

2017 – 2021 Brain Pool Fellowship: Collaborative sedimentologic and geodynamic study to conduct integrated basin modelling

2020 Young Geologist Award of Korea

2017 – 2020 IODP Expedition 369 Post-cruise Research Grant

2017 Shipboard scientist: IODP Expedition 369 Australian Cretaceous Climate and Tectonics

2017 ECORD MagellanPlus Award

2015 – 2017 IODP Expedition 356 Post-cruise Research Grant

2016 OMV Molasse Project

2015 Shipboard scientist: International Ocean Discovery Program (IODP) Expedition 356 Indonesian Throughflow

2014 IAS Travel Grant / KIOST Travel Grant / EKC Best Poster Award

2012 – 2013 Visiting research at University of California, Davis, USA

2009 – 2011 OMV Karpatian Tectonics Slovakia Project

2009 KOSEF-DAAD Summer Exchange Program for visiting research in the University of Bonn

2009 UST Overseas Research Grant for visiting research in the University of Vienna

 Veröffentlichungen (aus u:cris)

Zeige Ergebnisse 51 - 65 von 65


Quantifying K, U and Th contents of marine sediments using shipboard natural gamma radiation spectra measured on DV JOIDES Resolution. / De Vleeschouwer, David; Dunlea, Ann G.; Auer, Gerald et al.
in: Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems, Band 18, Nr. 3, 01.03.2017, S. 1053-1064.

Veröffentlichungen: Beitrag in FachzeitschriftArtikelPeer Reviewed

Indonesian Throughflow drove Australian climate from humid Pliocene to arid Pleistocene. / Christensen, Beth A.; Renema, Willem; Henderiks, Jorijntje et al.
in: Geophysical Research Letters, Band 44, Nr. 13, 2017, S. 6914-6925.

Veröffentlichungen: Beitrag in FachzeitschriftArtikelPeer Reviewed

International Ocean Discovery Program Expedition 356 Preliminary Report: Indonesian Throughflow. / Gallagher, Stephen J. ; Fulthorpe, Craig S.; Bogus, Kara A. et al.
International Ocean Discovery Program, 2017.

Veröffentlichungen: BuchPeer Reviewed

Proceedings of the International Ocean Discovery Program, 356. / Gallagher, Stephen J. ; Fulthorpe, Craig S.; Bogus, Kara A. et al.
College Station, TX: International Ocean Discovery Program, 2017.

Veröffentlichungen: BuchPeer Reviewed


3D visualization of the sedimentary fill and subsidence evolution in the northern and central Vienna Basin (Miocene). / Lee, Eun Young; Wagreich, Michael.
in: Austrian Journal of Earth Sciences, Band 109, Nr. 2, 11.2016, S. 241-251.

Veröffentlichungen: Beitrag in FachzeitschriftArtikelPeer Reviewed

BasinVis 1.0: A MATLAB®-based program for sedimentary basin subsidence analysis and visualization. / Lee, Eun Young (Korresp. Autor*in); Novotny, Johannes; Wagreich, Michael.
in: Computers & Geosciences, Band 91, 06.2016, S. 119-127.

Veröffentlichungen: Beitrag in FachzeitschriftArtikelPeer Reviewed

Polyphase basin evolution of the Vienna Basin inferred from 3D visualization of sedimentation setting and quantitative subsidence. / Lee, Eun Young; Novotny, Johannes; Wagreich, Michael.
2016. Beitrag in EGU General Assembly 2016, Vienna, Österreich.

Veröffentlichungen: Beitrag zu KonferenzPaperPeer Reviewed

3D visualization of Miocene tectonic subsidence in the northern and central Vienna Basin using BasinVis 1.0. / Lee, E. Y.; Novotny, J.; Wagreich, M.
78th EAGE Conference and Exhibition 2016: Efficient Use of Technology - Unlocking Potential. European Association of Geoscientists and Engineers, EAGE, 2016. S. 1-5.

Veröffentlichungen: Beitrag in BuchBeitrag in KonferenzbandPeer Reviewed


A MATLAB®-based program for 3D visualization of stratigraphic setting and subsidence evolution of sedimentary basins: example application to the Vienna Basin. / Lee, Eun Young; Novotny, Johannes; Wagreich, Michael.
2015. 7369 Beitrag in EGU General Assembly 2015, Wien, Österreich.

Veröffentlichungen: Beitrag zu KonferenzPaperPeer Reviewed


Stratigraphy and subsidence history of the Závod Region in the Slovak part of the central Vienna Basin. / Lee, E. Y.; Zámolyi, A.; Beidinger, A. et al.
EAGE Conference and Exhibition 2011. Society of Petroleum Engineers, 2011. S. 4899-4903.

Veröffentlichungen: Beitrag in BuchBeitrag in KonferenzbandPeer Reviewed


Miocene deformation of the central Vienna Basin (Austria-Slovakia). / Zámolyi, András.; Lee, Eun Young; Beidinger, Andreas et al.
2010. 10097 Beitrag in European Geosciences Union, General Assembly 2010, Wien, Österreich.

Veröffentlichungen: Beitrag zu KonferenzPaperPeer Reviewed

Oligocene to Miocene kinematics of the Outer West Carpathians and the Vienna Basin area. / Beidinger, Andreas; Decker, Kurt; Zamolyi, Andras et al.
2010. 6804 Beitrag in European Geosciences Union, General Assembly 2010, Wien, Österreich.

Veröffentlichungen: Beitrag zu KonferenzPaperPeer Reviewed

Subsidence history of the Gunsan Basin (Cretaceous-Cenozoic) in the Yellow Sea, offshore korea. / Lee, Eun Young.
in: Austrian Journal of Earth Sciences, 2010, S. 111-120.

Veröffentlichungen: Beitrag in FachzeitschriftArtikelPeer Reviewed


러시아 티만-페초라 분지의 석유지질. / Ko, Jaehong (Korresp. Autor*in); Lee, Eun Young.
in: Journal of the Korean Society for Geosystem Engineering, Band 44, Nr. 4, 2007, S. 342-356.

Veröffentlichungen: Beitrag in FachzeitschriftArtikelPeer Reviewed

Zeige Ergebnisse 51 - 65 von 65